Friday, January 17, 2020

Charge and lock your Aura

Sometimes even after having much energy before we feel exhausted.. completely drained. Why? It is because our aura gets discharged when we deal with situations of lower energy frequency. Low energy persons and situations tend to absorb our energy. It is just like the principle of science energy flows from regions of high level to low levels. We are always empowered  when our aura has enough charge. This is a charging method of aura and lock it when facing any situation 

Sit in a well lit room.... Try to sit just under light.... Experience the light on you... Think the supreme... almighty  is showering powers on me.... I am becoming  master almighty... All my energy points are filled with energy.... Feel energy flowing as light through your head... your forehead... neck... heart... navel... till the end of spinal cord... Repeat the thought till you feel completely energetic.... Think... My aura is charged completely now... Now draw a circle  around you  from bottom to head.usingboth hands..... Join both of your hands above your head... Think... Dear... father... supreme... With your power  I am locking my aura... With out your permission no energy should get in..And... no energy should leave me...Thank you for keeping me safe...

Do this whenever  feel exhausted


Richard said...

This blog is great. Thank you a lot for your work and your effort in this. these affirmation are very helpful and i see a change happening. Thank you!

Dr Salini menon said...

Happy to note that my blog helped u. Looking for valuable suggestions from your end