Sunday, May 9, 2021

Anxious about covid...

 Hello.... Do you fear or anxious about covid. Have you noticed how we make relationships. Analyse your relationships. If you are adventerous you prefer adventerous more. If you are shy you tend to be in such company. Why? Because some wavenlength matching in behaviour, thoughts always exist. If you think of pain you will be ovetwhelmed with pain. So definitely your thoughts invite what you think to your proximity making reasons. So dont fear or get anxious of corona news. Instead make this affirmation...
I am master almighty disease resistant being. Always healthy... Any thought made with strength with a frequency of more than  1000 times definitely come true. So protect yourself with this single thought and be super resistant... Stay good and safe

Friday, March 13, 2020

Protection from CORONA VIRUS

Do you fear Corona? Just do this affirmation.... 
+Think....I am a healthy being in a healthy body........

 +I have a clear nose, clear throat and clear chest....

 +I have a strong Immune system.

My immune system is very Powerful...

+I have strong resistance power to fight all germs...
  My  body is always protected and in  perfect health...
  +Recognising that my immune system responds to my every thought, I choose only Healthy thinking..
I make only loving, positive and creative thoughts that enhance and support my immune system..
 I love, and appreciate my boosted immune system..
l Love, accept and approve  myself...

+Connecting to my father almighty
 l direct my energy to do good for me...
+I am truly blessed, fit and fine inside and outside...

 Keep repeating these sentences after waking up and before going to bed...and keep yourself healthy...

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Drink water for fulfilling desires

Law of attraction is a phenomenon  by which we can match our vibes with vibes of universe. Only powerful and consistent thoughts radiate vibes to nature.  When universal vibes matches with wave length of our thoughts, our thoughts become  a reality. This method is common for all types of thoughts. But when negative thoughts are made it brings a lot of negative consequences in our life as thoughts cannot distinguish  good  self and non self. So produce only positive thoughts. Water the element of body absorbs vibes. When we drink water charged with thoughts, we can  radiate vibes with more power. Now try yourself...
Take a glass of water.  Stir it well to give life... Think I am a loveful soul... I radiate my love to this glass of water. Visualise water in green colour... Write your desire in a paper and paste the paper on glass... Think... I am master almighty.... Every element of nature is my friend....Radiate feelings of happiness just the same way as you achieve something.  Make strong feelings... Think... I am radiating happiness  to my friend... i am thanking my friend for this achievement... Connecting to my father.. the supreme I give power to this for supporting me.. to reach what I want.... Now drink the water repeating thoughts that you are achieving what you wish... Do every  day till you reach your goal... Best wishes... 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Charge and lock your Aura

Sometimes even after having much energy before we feel exhausted.. completely drained. Why? It is because our aura gets discharged when we deal with situations of lower energy frequency. Low energy persons and situations tend to absorb our energy. It is just like the principle of science energy flows from regions of high level to low levels. We are always empowered  when our aura has enough charge. This is a charging method of aura and lock it when facing any situation 

Sit in a well lit room.... Try to sit just under light.... Experience the light on you... Think the supreme... almighty  is showering powers on me.... I am becoming  master almighty... All my energy points are filled with energy.... Feel energy flowing as light through your head... your forehead... neck... heart... navel... till the end of spinal cord... Repeat the thought till you feel completely energetic.... Think... My aura is charged completely now... Now draw a circle  around you  from bottom to head.usingboth hands..... Join both of your hands above your head... Think... Dear... father... supreme... With your power  I am locking my aura... With out your permission no energy should get in..And... no energy should leave me...Thank you for keeping me safe...

Do this whenever  feel exhausted

Monday, December 30, 2019

Welcome 2020.....

We usually start a year wishing friends and those dear to us in usual note... Happy New Year. This year start in a new trend..
Think.... With in hours this year is bidding bye... Tonight When the  clock strikes 12... stand in front of  a mirror.... Tell yourself.....I  am the best soul.... HAPPY NEW YEAR to me.. Before entering  this year.. l am  settling my  old accounts with each soul.... I forgive  each soul.... Its all over....  I bless each one with good wishes, prosperity and success... Past is gone... I choose to  start new accounts with everyone... I am the source of  comfort and support for all... I spread only goodness.. peace and love.. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Firm thoughts to handle insult

Insult is whenever we feel the person disrespect another Actually insult is a way in which a person expresses his weak sanskars of insecurity, jealousy or any other inner traumas. But when felt insult we are thrown to a downtrodden state and depleted inner power. We can be safe from insult by four firm thoughts.

Think... I am a pure being... I radiate only pure feelings of love, respect and compassion.... I understand the soul before me is wounded in one of its previous costumes.. so carry this low sanskar... I..  the child of supreme... the purest of all souls choose to accept this truth and remain stable... Receiving god's grace I am healing the wound.... radiating only pure vibrations to this one.... Be good... Be strong...

Monday, August 12, 2019

Meditate for a minimalistic life style

Our life is perfect and contended only if we live it aligned to our core values. In this modern era people design their life according to the voices and pompous projections made in social media. So their desires are ever changing with recent trends in culture.. may be of new fashion. expensive technology, new money making policy and so on. A firm conviction is always needed for a fulfilled life. A life is economic and minimalistic only when we can cut down our attraction to worldly cultures. Living a life prioritising desires aligning our pursuits to our inner values help us remain happy always. Try this meditation for practicing minimalism.

Sit back.... close your eyes... keep your right hand on chest... think.... I am a contended being... i rule my senses... I understand senses are gateways to attractions... i realize unlimited attractions make me unhappy... I am changing my focus to myself... from outside... I have everything enough for me... ... I choose to pursue only essentials... Connecting to god almighty my father.... I am filling myself with powers and virtues.... I can discern my requirements...I can restrict my desires  when needed... I am becoming  more economic. My life is complete and happy...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Cope with midlife crisis

Mid life crisis is a period of life where a person gets confused by two questions_,'Why not' and 'Why bother'.  People reaching their forties obsessively strive to make more impression before others. This is due to the thought they are no longer prime in their professional and social life. As a result they suffer from lack of confidence and insecurity which impacts the whole life and career. The thought of less worth create health problems and emotional problems. So it is important to create a new  shift in thought during this period. Try this affirmation to better yourself.
Sit back... Close your eyes... Think.. I am a successful being... Success is mine always... I am the number one person who is demanded everywhere... I understand age affects my matter... Not my mind... Still i am energetic... enthusiastic and creative... I can contribute much... I choose to see every situation new... challenging and blessing for me.. Connecting to my father... the supreme I receive all powers strengthening me in all situations...I stay good with all and in every situations... I am becoming more and more confident... 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Frustration free mind

There are times when we feel irritated. Irritation leads to frustrated mind burning with anger. Frustration occurs when we could not express ourselves truly. Frustration is a sign of failure and imbalance. Frustration creates invisible negative energy barrier in relationships. Try this technique to free yourself at once..

Sit back.... Keep your right hand on your shoulder and stretch your point finger and thumb finger between ear lobe and shoulder. Take the point where thumb finger ends in shoulder. Press the point deeply  Take a long breath... Think... I am a peaceful soul... Peace is my innate beauty... No thoughts can disturb me... I am calm and stable always... I can control my emotions... I choose to be calm  because I understand calm mind brings  fast solutions... Connecting to my father the supreme point of light above  I receive peace as light blue rays... I feel cool inside... I am free from my negative mind set... I spread peace around me.......
Slowly breath out. Repeat atleast five times when disturbed... 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Full stop An ultimate solution

Full stop is a punctuation mark showing end or completion of a sentence. Besides using it in English sentences it has a great relevance in our life too. Putting full stop to past incidents releases our being from energy loss and stress related problems. Issues carried in mind over long time causes diminishing health. Protect yourself with this full stop meditation.

Try...Sit back comfortably.....Think...I am a powerful soul... My mind is my asset....I control my intellect.. I do not allow unhealthy thoughts to sustain.. I can put end to whatever I wish... I am visualising my mind screen... Nothing exists but only a big full stop..a point of light.. I am focusing on this beautiful point... I am emerging all disturbing incidents... Each appears.. Breaking to tiny pieces.. All are merging with this big full stop... My full stop is spreading rays of peace and love as white sparkling rays... Connecting to my father.. Almighty.. the supreme point of light... I am filling peace in me... My mind is becoming calm .. Intellect clean .. I am in harmony with my thoughts..  Now I am   weightless... I spread peace around me...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Apologise to release yourself....

Some times there may be situations in which even our right talk or right behaviour cause unreasonable hurt in others. In such a situation their hurt entrap us in negative energy exchange. May be we are not in a situation to apologise verbally, but we can apologise non verbally with our powerful thoughts  Try this...

Think... I am a compassionate being... Kindness is my innate nature... My thoughts and words are to energise me... Anything happens wrong.. I am ready to accept it as my fall... I emerge in my mind screen those who are hurt by my behaviour one by one... I realise even though my intention was right...the other one is hurt.. their hurt blocks me .. I understand their perspective and pain... I accept them... Connecting to my father Ocean of kindness.. I am radiating... Love... Peace and Respect for this one... I am releasing me by apologising not for my behavior but for the pain I caused. .. I am free from this negative energy exchange... I am healing their wound... 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Have constant willpower

Why all our wills not satisfy though we work hard. Will power is an important factor which help us to achieve our goals. But the intensity of will power varies with time. When we keep high will power and work we enjoy success. Some times even the sincere effort ends in vain due to diminishing will power.Disciplined life increases inner energy and will power. Try this to increase and keep high levels of will power
First... Think... Who am I... I am the most powerful being... I keep strong in keeping righteousness in my thoughts words and actions.. irrespective of people and situations. I have discipline in my personal social and professional life. I focus on increasing my inner energy every day practicing clean habits.  I believe nothing can  deplete me. I  the being .. the child of Ocean of powers .. connect me every day  to my supreme father... With his remembrance my  link with him  is so strong that I receive power everyday... Now I can do everything I choose to do..  I am clear about what I need.. I create my destiny and execute plans with strong determination.. My energy fields are always high..I display high will power everyday.... 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Big gratitude to challenges

We usually thank for awesome and successful scenes of life. On the other hand we take our challenging situations with anxiety fear and embarrassment. Do the challenging situations that much dreadful? Absolutely no. It's only a matter of changing approach to it. Be thankful for each challenging scenes... Face your challenges peacefully and with ease... Try this... 

Sit back comfortably.... Close your eyes... Think... I am a contented being...I create right thoughts right words.. right actions. I plan for my day... I plan for my life.. Scenes unfold themselves .. Some scenes are not as I planned.. Some unexpected... I remain stable...I accept them  ... I donot question or complain for I donot want to waste my energy.. I choose to take every scene as worthy... how much it is challenging........
.. I realise I the child of ultimate powers is strong to face anything... Situations may  not  be in my control.. But I am the master of my thoughts towards the situation... I thank each challenging scene because I understand... It is happening to make me powerful.... test my inner strength.... give me new lessons.... Connecting to God almighty surrendering every second of my life... I am receiving  enough knowledge to make solutions to all that come in my way... I am becoming powerful to come out of all adversities .. I am always grateful for whatever my life journey....