Monday, August 12, 2019

Meditate for a minimalistic life style

Our life is perfect and contended only if we live it aligned to our core values. In this modern era people design their life according to the voices and pompous projections made in social media. So their desires are ever changing with recent trends in culture.. may be of new fashion. expensive technology, new money making policy and so on. A firm conviction is always needed for a fulfilled life. A life is economic and minimalistic only when we can cut down our attraction to worldly cultures. Living a life prioritising desires aligning our pursuits to our inner values help us remain happy always. Try this meditation for practicing minimalism.

Sit back.... close your eyes... keep your right hand on chest... think.... I am a contended being... i rule my senses... I understand senses are gateways to attractions... i realize unlimited attractions make me unhappy... I am changing my focus to myself... from outside... I have everything enough for me... ... I choose to pursue only essentials... Connecting to god almighty my father.... I am filling myself with powers and virtues.... I can discern my requirements...I can restrict my desires  when needed... I am becoming  more economic. My life is complete and happy...

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