Saturday, January 12, 2019

Success by two cup method

We strive a lot to achieve our goals. But due to the change in our mind set we feel it difficult and some times impossible. Creative yoga methods use substances as support to strengthen our innerset towards our goal. Such a method is two cup method. Just do and experience.
Try.... Take two neat breakable glasses. Paste a paper on it with your present state on one glass and paste another paper on other glass showing what to achieve.For eg if we need a new turn in business just write old business in one glass and the new business status in other one. Fill first glass with water. Now take first glass think..I am a powerful being... I am the successful person in this world... I am the child of God almighty who can bring out any transformation... I am master God... I am changing my destiny... My direction... Looking to the Centre of water... Feel energy coming  from a shining star above your head to a small star at the centre of your forehead.... Visualise deep orange rays flowing to you... Feel Deep orange rays...flowing from your forehead to water in the glass.... Making orange ripples...  ..each molecule of water is becoming powerful...  Feel I am achieving  My success.. Hold this  state for 30 seconds. Then transfer water to other glass with out spills... Be strong in this fixed thought...I have achieved what I need... Thank you..Feel the joy of achievement with whole heart ..  . Repeat thought nine times giving energy from your forehead to water continuously for 3 minutes.. Now drink the water.

Start practicing for small achievements and after strengthening your practice  apply for any goal.... Good luck... 

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