Thursday, February 7, 2019

Cognitive dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a mental condition in which the person involved is confused by 2 conflicting believes. The strength of dissonance increases with justifying actions resulting from a particular believes. The harm of dissonance lies in justifying actions for unjustifiable believes. When one is able to shift quality of thought repeating each time on a particular belief dissonance can be minimised. This is a small affirmation to minimise the confusion of dissonance. 

Try.... Close your eyes... Bring two conflicting thoughts to mind which confuse you a lot... Think... I am powerful being. I am the creator of my thoughts... The quality of thoughts I make is my choice... I know believes result from recurring thoughts of same kind... I can control me well... I observe my thoughts fully detached... I understand... Thoughts come and go. ...let them... But I am free from its impact... Connecting my intellect to the most knowledgeful supreme I can choose quality of my thoughts... My thoughts my believes are changing..No conflicts no confusions... . I am always peaceful...

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